Learning HTML is the chief requirement for every individual who wants to learn how to create a website.
Some Myths of HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) uncovered:
- Do not confuse HTML with a programming language.
- It is a markup language which uses markup tags to define/design a webpage.
Hopefully, now you must be feeling much more comfortable knowing that HTML is not a programming language and you don’t need to learn difficult syntax and have acute logical ability.
Coming to HTML Tags on which the entire HTML is based:
- HTML tags consist of angular brackets (<>) surrounding a keyword. For example: <body>, <header>, <html> etc.
- HTML tags are always used in pairs. For example: <body> and </body>.
- The first tag is called start tag and the second is called end tag. I prefer calling them opening and closing tag as we call them when they seem to open and close. You are free to choose any denominations.
The HTML documents are the one which end up representing a web page. A browser like internet explorer, firefox or the recent addition to the clan Google chrome displays these html documents as web pages.
Let us consider an HTML document:
Now, examine the content:
(a) The tags <html> and </html> depict the content of webpage.
(b) <body> and </body> depict the contents of webpage that will be visible.
(c) The information between <h1> and </h1> forms the heading.
(d) The information between <p> and </p1> forms the paragraph.
These are the basics of HTML and web paging making. In the next “How to learn to make websites?” lesson, we will find out the HTML editors that are free and easy to use and try to create a test webpage.
Learn to create your first webpage in Lesson 1(b).
Learn about several HTML tags in Lesson 1(c).
Learn to create your first webpage in Lesson 1(b).
Learn about several HTML tags in Lesson 1(c).
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