Thursday, December 29, 2011

Lesson 1(c): How to learn to make websites?

Let us play with some HTML Tags now.

Open the homepage.htm file that we created in Lesson 1(b) using a text editor (preferably notepad). (For amateurs, right click on the homepage.htm file and click Open with > Notepad.)

Now start making the following changes:

Add : <h2>My HTML World</h2>
          <h3>My HTML World</h3>
          <h4>My HTML World</h4>  

Below the code line: <h1>My HTML World</h1>

Your final code should look like:

<h1>My HTML World</h1>
<h2>My HTML World</h2>
<h3>My HTML World</h3>
<h4>My HTML World</h4>
<p>Let us learn this.</p>
<p><a href="page.htm">My Page</a></p>

Save the file (just save it with the same name and with a new name if you want to create different files for different lessons. Remember that the extension should be .htm or .html. Either of them works fine. Hope you know how to save the text file with different extensions. While saving the file, just change .txt to .htm or any other extension. The file takes the form as represented. ).

Double click on homepage.htm.

The My HTML World page appears with the changes visible as shown in the snapshot below.

The tags that we used are called HTML Headings tab and they range from <h1> to <h6>. Remember to properly open and close them by using <h1> as opening and </h1> as closing tag. This was mentioned in Lesson 1(a) where we discussed about the basics of HTML.

Let us now learn about the HTML Paragraphs tags.

Again open the homepage.htm file in notepad.

Add the following code:        <p>How Funny!!.</p>
                                            <p>Merry Christmas!!</p>
                                            <p>How are you today?</p>

Below: <p>Let us learn this.</p>

The modified code should look like:

<h1>My HTML World</h1>
<h2>My HTML World</h2>
<h3>My HTML World</h3>
<h4>My HTML World</h4> 
<p>Let us learn this.</p>
<p>How Funny!!.</p>
<p>Merry Christmas!!</p>
<p>How are you today?</p>
<p><a href="page.htm">My Page</a></p>

Save the file like before and open it in a web browser.

Your webpage looks like:

Remember to properly open and close HTML Paragraphs tags by using <p> as opening and </p> as closing tag. Hope it is clear now, how to create paragraphs on your html page. You can add the paragraphs anywhere in your page. I added it below the first paragraph to keep them synchronized.
Note: Just take care to add them between <body> and </body> tags.

Now it is time to add some links to your webpage.

We did this before in Lesson1(b). Let us add some real web pages to our homepage.

Add: <p><a href="">How To Create</a></p>

Below:  <p><a href="page.htm">My Page</a></p>                                             

The final code should look like:

<h1>My HTML World</h1>
<h2>My HTML World</h2>
<h3>My HTML World</h3>
<h4>My HTML World</h4> 
<p>Let us learn this.</p>
<p>How Funny!!.</p>
<p>Merry Christmas!!</p>
<p>How are you today?</p>
<p><a href="page.htm">My Page</a></p>
<p><a href="">How To Create</a></p>

Save the file and open it in a web browser.

My page looks like:

You can use the above tags to add any html webpage to your page. Hope, it wasn’t tough to understand that I just created another paragraph by using <p> and </p> and then created a link for the text “How to create” by linking it to website "". You can use any text and any webpage to see how it appears in your homepage. 

Use the same syntax to create any link. It is very easy to do!!

I hope we are very much clear with creating headings, splitting into paragraphs and adding links to our homepage.

In the next session we will try to find out, how to insert images and learn more about HTML Headings and HTML Paragraphs.

Lesson 1(b): How to learn to make websites?

In Lesson 1(a), we learnt about HTML basic definition and made things easy by understanding that it is not at all a programming language. 

So it is clear that we don’t need any tool or editor to transcribe a webpage based on HTML language. Use a simple notepad or word pad and save the file after writing an HTML code, with .htm or .html extension. If you want, you can use a website designing software like Dreamweaver or Microsoft Visual. 

Before starting our first exercise, there are a few practices which will make it easier for you to keep track of your work. Create a separate folder to save all your work files. I have made a folder by the name of HTML on my desktop. This makes it easier for me find out all I have been learning!
Let us learn to create our first homepage with a linking page.

1. Type the codes in a notepad or any text editor (this is my deliberate effort to use images rather than texts so that all of you start typing. Remember practice is the only way to achieve perfection). 

2. Save the text file as homepage.htm or any name with .htm extension.

3. Open a new text file and type the below codes into it.

4. Save the file as page.htm in the same folder where you saved homepage.htm.

5. Double click on homepage.htm.
    The below page appears (My HTML World) in the browser window (Firefox in my case).

6. Click My page link on My HTML World page.
     The My Page which you saved as page.htm appears.

So, how was it? Your first webpage with link to other page too. 

Wasn’t it too simple?
Actually it is! 

Wait to learn the different HTML tags which will make you understand the above codes and make many out of them!

Till then remember the above discussions we had! 

Learn about several HTML tags in : Lesson 1(c).
Basics of HTML: Lesson 1(a).

Lesson 1(a): How to learn to make websites?

Learning HTML is the chief requirement for every individual who wants to learn how to create a website.

Some Myths of HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) uncovered:
  1.       Do not confuse HTML with a programming language. 
  2.             It is a markup language which uses markup tags to define/design a webpage.

Hopefully, now you must be feeling much more comfortable knowing that HTML is not a programming language and you don’t need to learn difficult syntax and have acute logical ability.

Coming to HTML Tags on which the entire HTML is based:
  1.      HTML tags consist of angular brackets (<>) surrounding a keyword. For example: <body>, <header>, <html> etc.
  2.             HTML tags are always used in pairs. For example: <body> and </body>.
  3.      The first tag is called start tag and the second is called end tag. I prefer calling them opening and closing tag as we call them when they seem to open and close. You are free to choose any denominations.

The HTML documents are the one which end up representing a web page.  A browser like internet explorer, firefox or the recent addition to the clan Google chrome displays these html documents as web pages.
Let us consider an HTML document:

Now, examine the content:
(a)   The tags <html> and </html> depict the content of webpage.
(b)   <body> and </body> depict the contents of webpage that will be visible.
(c)    The information between <h1> and </h1> forms the heading.
(d)   The information between <p> and </p1> forms the paragraph.

These are the basics of HTML and web paging making. In the next “How to learn to make websites?” lesson, we will find out the HTML editors that are free and easy to use and try to create a test webpage.

Learn to create your first webpage in Lesson 1(b).
Learn about several HTML tags in Lesson 1(c).

How to Create: Introduction

I have been blogging since 7 years now and have learned a lot and yet it seems haven't learned enough. There always seems to be an empty space around me and that is because I generally don't share what I learn.

Keeping it to myself has made me lose the knowledge I have acquired through rigorous study.

So, I thought of writing down whatever I learn and share it here so that others can be benefited.

Remember, I am not teaching; we are just having a group discussion!!


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